The news releases and press releases must meet certain quality guidelines. We call our guidelines the “Number 11 Rule Book”. We follow the below mentioned guidelines so that your company’s message resonates with journalists, influencers, potential customers, and strategic partners. The following are the guidelines for news articles and press releases –

  1. News to be shared should announce something new.
  2. News shared should come from Company management executives.
  3. Content should be structured properly, and should contain all important details and be brief at the same time.
  4. Content should not be written in first person and should be written professionally.
  5. News or press release is not a marketing campaign and should not contain sales language (Are YOU looking for ways to make money online??” “Buy now!!!”).
  6. News should not belong to a site that offers adult products and services, escort services, illegal products and services, scams and pyramid schemes etc.
  7. News should not be copied from a previously submitted press release, and should be original.
  8. Valid contact details (email id, phone number, and address) must be provided.
  9. External links to be provided based on need.
  10. Preferred language for the press release is English.
  11. Content of the news and press releases should be of a minimum of 250 words.
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